Hello world! This is my first blog post. I'm embarking on a journey of learning, creating and self discovery and am keen to share this journey with you. I intend for this blog to be a place for sharing my insights, projects and whatever else I want to share with you!
So on that note, I have enrolled in the Open Source Society University, or OSSU for short. Specifically for the Bachelor's in computer science. The OSSU provides a curated set of free, high quality, self paced courses matching a regular CS curriculum. There is also an active community of fellow students to learn alongside with.
I'm truly excited, I'm in the university of my dreams as it's all about learning and having some fun along the way.
Here I embark on my journey into computer science, starting with CS50p, a Harvard intro to programming using Python. I will let you know how I'm getting on in my next blog entry, until then.
With love,
Joey 09/09/2024